In a surprising twist, a recent poll by think tank Common Wealth reveals landlords are almost evenly divided on the issue of rent controls.
The survey, which included 2,157 people on various housing topics and 4,369 specifically on rent caps, found 44% of landlords in favour of rent caps, while 47% opposed them. This level of support is noteworthy, albeit lower than the general population's 75% backing.
The poll also highlighted strong support for taxing second homes to fund social housing, with over two-thirds of respondents in favour. Furthermore, 62% believe Capital Gains Tax (CGT) should increase for buy-to-let properties.
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Interestingly, social connections and political leanings influenced opinions. Respondents with more tenant acquaintances were likelier to support rental reforms. Among Labour supporters, 79% backed higher CGT on second homes, and 73% on buy-to-lets. Conservative supporters showed 64% and 53% support, respectively, while Reform UK supporters were at 63% and 59%.
Mathew Lawrence, director of Common Wealth, notes the broad support for significant housing reforms across social groups. The findings indicate a public desire for change, from building more social housing to taxing surplus housing wealth. As the government prioritises delivery this year to tackle Britain's crises, a bold housing agenda is crucial.
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