The charity Dogs Trust is championing the cause of pet-friendly rentals, arguing that allowing pets in rental properties benefits everyone involved.
This push comes as Labour’s Renters’ Rights Bill aims to grant more rights to responsible pet owners who rent.
According to Dogs Trust, around 15% of people who contact them for rehoming their dogs cite accommodation issues, such as the inability to find pet-friendly rentals. Research from Dogs Trust and Cats Protection reveals a disconnect between landlords and tenants on this issue. While 46% of landlords claim they allow pets, only 30% of tenants say their tenancy permits them to have a dog.
Interestingly, in over a third of cases where pets are not allowed, landlords didn’t make this decision based on individual circumstances. Instead, they followed generic advice or used standard tenancy templates.
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The charity insists that allowing pets can be advantageous for landlords too. For instance, 26% of tenants would stay longer in a property if they could keep a pet. This could lead to reduced tenant turnover and more stable rental income.
A Dogs Trust spokesperson highlighted the broader impact: “Not only is this good news for renters, but it’s also a positive step for those of us working in the animal welfare sector. The lack of pet-friendly accommodation is a significant reason why dogs are handed into our rehoming centres.”
While the proposed changes will help current tenants, they won’t increase the overall availability of pet-friendly housing. Therefore, Dogs Trust urges the Government to collaborate with the private and social rental sectors to boost confidence in renting to pet owners.
Dogs Trust is eager to work with the Government and Parliament to support landlords through their Pet Friendly Housing project, ensuring a brighter future for tenants and their furry friends.
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