Secure, scalable business growth
with AI

The Story of ModelProp
Trusted property AI
We're a team of proptech professionals who have been serving the industry for nearly 25 years in a broad range of businesses. ModelProp's founders were there as the digital revolution arrived the turn of the millennium, we helped agents through the arrival of mobile and social along the way and now we're harnessing AI to ensure that estate and letting agents can benefit from this latest tech wave too.
We have skills, honed over decades in property technology, that understand your business. We have experience, already, in building and deploying AI into agencies to help them become more successful. And we know how important your reputation is, and feel the same about ours - so you can trust us to be the one team that's not going to try and blind you with pointless jargon.
We're ModelProp - trusted property AI.

What customers say
The AI content and the service that ModelProp have provided have been great for my independent estate agency.
Andrew Burnett, Owner
I was absolutely blown away by the AI visuals that ModelProp were able to deliver - high quality and quickly, too.
Beth Hilson. Marketing Director
ModelProp have delivered AI products and services to our agency that have really helped us to become more efficient.
Steve Wiggins, Partner
Bond Residential