Ho ho ho, landlords! Santa's not the only one who's busy this season. Repairs and maintenance supplier, Fixflo, has sounded the alarm bells for landlords across the UK. A storm of Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs) is brewing, and it's set to make landfall soon.
Fixflo's elves have been busy analysing data on EICRs due for renewal in the next three years. The findings? Nearly half (49%) are due in 2026, and just over one-third (33%) will be due in 2025. This spike is likely due to the introduction of EICR requirements for all existing tenancies back in 2021.
So, what's the game plan? Fixflo advises landlords and agents to get their skates on and organise their EICRs to be carried out next year, even if they aren’t due until 2025 or 2026.
Why the rush? Well, the property industry is already wrestling with shortages. These increases in demand could put further strain on contractors, leading to higher prices and lower availability during the busiest periods. In a worst-case scenario, if an up-to-date EICR is not available for a property in time, it could result in rental voids and loss of income for landlords.
Jessica Dubey, Fixflo’s product training manager, emphasises the importance of early inspections, "Regulations around electrical safety in properties are strict, and with fines of up to £5,000 for a first offence or £30,000 for multiple breaches, plus a risk of rental voids if a property doesn’t have an up-to-date EICR, it’s in everyone’s interest to start booking as soon as possible.”
Dubey recommends keeping accurate records of EICR completion dates, setting reminders when renewals are due, and establishing relationships with trusted electricians. So, landlords, don't get your tinsel in a tangle. Start planning your EICRs today!

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